الأربعاء، 11 مايو 2011


Sometimes I feel useless or helpless when I feel that there is something that I have to do but I didn't, when I don’t have answers for people’s questions, or simply when I can’t stop someone from crying or I can’t help them cheer up

Maybe I can’t give solutions to problems, answers for questions.. but I can listen and help you find them
I can’t prevent any harm from happening but I can be there whenever something bad happens

I can’t make good things happen... but I can share moments with you and try to make them remarkable and memorable
I can’t make your dreams turn into reality.. but I can support you strive for them to come true

At these moments all I can do.. is just go there and stay near them.. maybe after the helpless moment for me comes a moment where they really need my help and I am capable of doing it.. and as it says "Never Let What You Can't Do Stop You From Doing What You Can"t

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