الثلاثاء، 28 يونيو 2011

Tell your Children about God

Children like the Idea of God...Allah
For sure they like the idea that there is SOMEONE to whom you could tell anything you want, ask for anything you want & get it. The idea that SOMEONE out there could see you anywhere, listen to you anytime of your day could sound magical to them. Children love magic too
Children have higher spirituality than adults! If only we tell our Children about Allah, describe HIM for them

Tell them that if they did Good they would receive Gifts

Tell them that if They Thanked Allah for the Gifts... They'll even get more gifts

Tell them that if they Love someone they could just avoid doing what annoys HIM

Tell them stories about good fellows... Children like stories

Tell them stories about Allah's miracles...Miracles are like fairy tales for them the only difference
is that they really happened

Tell them not to be disappointed if they didn't get what they wanted and that they would get it
at the right time or get something even better than what they asked for

Don't tell them "You're going to hell... You’ll burn in hell"... I hate parents who do so

Tell them about the "Happily Ever After" :) Paradise in Heaven

Tell your children about Allah… They love HIM already

Inspired by: Have little faith byMitch Albom when little Henry knew of GOD and kept asking him all night to let the rats away from his room

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