الاثنين، 28 فبراير 2011

Zero expectations

Nothing ever met my expectations!!!s
I don’t like to generalize but this is True…Very true
Actually everything is either higher or lower than my expectations… I always remember how I keep wondering before
each and every event in my life. Imagination RULES at these moments! :D

I wonder about people, places, events, actions, results, questions & answers..s
Now I am getting tired of this… When things are higher than your expectations I simply get very excited feeling Thankful
to Allah
But when they are lower…Here is the total disappointment I start blaming myself for being over optimistic about life and somehow not realistic
That why after the flow of thoughts I decided that the best solution is “ZERO” expectations

But HOW?!:) That is the question
Any Ideas?! Need help :D

هناك 4 تعليقات:

  1. mesh 3aref.. i think expectations are always great whether its over or underestimating, but at the end of the day U will "know" what u've been wondering about which is incomparable moment :)... i think knowing is the point :)

    one of my friends is waiting for "ElQiyama".. just because " إِلَى اللَّهِ مَرْجِعُكُمْ جَمِيعًا فَيُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ فِيهِ تَخْتَلِفُونَ"

  2. Expectations are like everything else in life, they could go right or they could go wrong..
    you do a job, it could turn out amazing or it could suck
    you have an expectation, things could turn out better than you expected or they can be worse..
    that's just life!
    I don't know why people put too much weight on expectations! maybe it's because it's something they can control, or they get disappointed more often than not, and they blame themselves on having high expectations in the first place!
    I don't know...
    why do we do that?!

  3. أنا عارف ان الموضوع بيبقى صعب في الأول
    بس أول ما تاخدي عليه بتبقي عادة و بتبقى سهلة

    اللي انا باعمله اني دائمًا بفكر في كل احتمال لأي شيء سخيف ممكن يحصل
    و على عكس العادة أنا عندي ابداااع في الموضوع ده

    كون ان الاحتمالات كلها و بالذات احتمالات حدوث شيء سيء جدًا تبقى في دماغك، ده بيخليكي مستعدة نفسيًا لأي نتيجة ممكن تحصل.
    اللي ممكن اقولك انك تقدري تحتفظي بيه هو القدرة على الأمل، و بعد كده دي بتبقى اقصى مرحلة للتفاؤل عندك

    Khalid Gomaa

  4. what I believe is Expectations of experiences, places and events are very useful..they can not b really harmful even when they turn out to be wrong or don't meet or expectations ...at least when time goes by I will look back and wonder how I imagined things before they begin, and actually sometimes these expectations can make us fight for that experience or thing to be as what we wanted it to be in the first place..

    considering ba2a expectations about ppl.. I am a fan of Zero Expectations towards ppl..Don't expect anything, so as not to be disappointed and at the same time if sth good happened it's fine, but u are still on the safe side, so as not to expect from ppl things that they can not give..
    2tmana enek tefhamy meni 7aga!! :D
